No arms, head , hair, fingers or any details CROPPED unless the legs
ALWAYS front-facing photos in any position
Follow the visual models from the art piece you are going to choose
Size and Resolution: minimum 800 x 500 px Weight 5MB max ideal resolution 150 dpi (dots per inch)
Bad Photo
Bad Lighting, Dark sides of the face
Arms, head , hair, fingers or any details CROPPED
More than 3 people in a single photo
The person can´t be upside down
Objects over the person or people sitting on a chair
A bad size and Resolution would be under 800 pixels or 72dpi
Photo taken from above or bottom
In Your Phone
You can go to the photo properties and make sure it meets the requirements
Bad Photo
Locate and right-click the intended digital image file
Select ‘Properties’
Click the ‘Details’ tab at the top of the popup window
The property “DIMENSIONS” will tell you the size of your photo
You can upload up to 3 pictures and 3 small sentences (max 3 words per sentence, ideally one word would look nicer).
You do not have to add text if you do not want it. You can choose to upload only pictures or only words.
You can also choose to print the art as is without adding your pictures nor your text. You will see on the left the icon showing the Background version without photos and texts.
Our designers will place the pictures according to the location described on the little icon on the left of the screen. The first picture you upload will go where it shows “Photo 1”, the 2nd picture where it says “Photo 2” and so on. You can also see in this icon where the texts will be inserted.
If you would like the designer to put the emphasis on a specific picture or word, please explain it clearly in “Send a message to the designer”. Our process is a creative one, as such, your pictures may be altered, cropped or trimmed by our designers to make them fit harmoniously in the artwork. Trust us and trust our designers. We will make it look amazing.